The County Attorney has many responsibilities. The County Attorney prosecutes misdemeanor crimes (crimes which are punishable by one year in jail or less) and violations (crimes punishable by fines, but no jail time) that occur in Washington County. The County Attorney also prosecutes all juvenile cases, except under the exceptional circumstances when a juvenile offender is tried as an adult. The County Attorney serves as the legal advisor to the fiscal court of the County and drafts county ordinances. The County Attorney is also responsible for collecting delinquent property taxes in Washington County as well as child support collection.

Tim Ash

Hours of Operation

Washington County Attorney
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Washington County Child Support
Monday – Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Open during lunch hours.

Our Location

We are located at 108 West Main Street, Springfield, KY 40069
See the map below for directions.